Q/A to the QA-Company

July 25, 2022 by Thomas Thurner

SEMANTICS: You are present with your product or company at this SEMANTiCS conference. Tell us a little more about the connection of your product or company has to the main topic of the conference: Knowledge Graphs and Explainable AI.

Dennis Diefenbach: Knowledge Graphs are seeing increasing attention. But what is the area in our everyday lives where Knowledge Graphs plays the most prominent role? In smart assistants! Many of the questions we ask to Google Assistant, Siri or Alexa are using Knowledge Graphs. QAnswer allows the construction of question-answering systems on top of proprietary knowledge graphs.
Tell us a little more about the typical use cases you serve with your company or product

SEMANTICS: Knowledge Graphs are rather abstract objects that are difficult to access by non-expert users.

Dennis Diefenbach: Question Answering technologies over Knowledge Graphs allow to bridge that gap making their knowledge accessible to everyone.

SEMANTICS: You are a sponsor of the conference. Where and how we can find you and talk to you?

Dennis Diefenbach: We will be participating to the conference. If you cannot find us, reach out by writing at info@qanswer.eu. We will try to find each other directly at the conference.

About Dennis Diefenbach: 

Dennis Diefenbach is a PhD researcher and entrepreneur in the area of Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs. He did his PhD under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, Europe's most competitive and prestigious research and innovation fellowship. He worked for IBM and SAP. Dennis Diefenbach published over 20 publications in the area of QA over Knowledge Graphs in renowned Conferences and Journals like the International Semantic Web Conference and the Semantic Web Journal. 
He is the main contributor of QAnswer, the first AI driven platform to query Knowledge Graphs in natural language.
Currently his main goal is to bring these exciting technologies to industry!
