We are pleased to announce the workshop series for SEMANTICS 2022! Among the workshops that have been accepted, there are two confirmations and two new editions on very hot topics. Let's take a closer look.
Also this year, we will host Sem4Tra, a workshop on a vertical application domain where there is a unique opportunity for the community to discuss how to leverage semantic technologies and solutions to improve a field that shows a clear impact on our lives and also falls under the more general category of "mobility", defined as a high-value dataset by the important European Open Data Directive. We will also host the second edition of Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins (ODCM-DT); after the success of the first edition, the community can still contribute to characterise the concept of Digital Twins and their possible application outcomes through ontological analysis. In addition to these, two brand new workshops dealing with two leading topics that can impact different research and industrial scenarios have been accepted: 'Semantic AI' and 'Schemes, vocabularies and ontologies for FAIR'. The first aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working at the intersection of machine learning/data science and semantic technologies/knowledge graphs, an increasingly relevant combination to exploit the advantages of traditional AI and symbolic AI approaches. The second focuses on FAIR principles that have a strong impact on both data producers and data consumers, especially when it comes to "data quality". The workshop aims to discuss both the adoption of FAIR principles in real-world scenarios and how schemas, vocabularies and ontologies can be leveraged to support their implementation.
Now it's your turn! If you work on these topics, it is the right time to consider a submission! More details for each workshop can be found on the dedicated webpage.