Please vote for your favorite contribution in the Industry track of SEMANTiCS 2017. The nomimees were determined by the Industry track chairs, based on average scores of the reviews of the initial submission.

Find useful information and links about the program, our satellite events and registration opportunities for SEMANTiCS 2015 -- 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems. If you want to download a .pdf-Version of this document please click here.

Dear Friends and attendees. It was an honor to have you at SEMANTiCS 2022. I'm sure that you had some inspiring moments and fine talks. For later reading or listening, we collected the materials as far as available.

For many companies, while content management systems and digital libraries get the job done in terms of storing documents, legacy systems often lack the ability to make documents “actionable” – which is to say that data and content are not discoverable, networkable nor reusable.

RDFox, a newfound ability to ask business-centred questions and retrieve insightful answers in return.

How Cognizone makes the power of semantics more accessible for any kind of organisations.

In this interview, Anastasia Dimou, Research & Innovation co-chair of SEMANTiCS 2022 and assistant professor at KU Leuven, talks about current and future trends in knowledge representation. Automation will be key!

TopQuadrant is working with teams to build the capabilities to control and deploy data to power innovation and manage compliance

Knowledge graphs, taxonomy, and metadata taken together with structured csontent ia very powerful tool to make machines perform their tasks better.