Interviews and News

This was SEMANTICS 2017

September 18, 2017 by Thomas Thurner

Reaching out to new industries, vendors, and establishing good relations to neighbouring communities were the reasons for bringing SEMANTiCS conference series to Amsterdam. 370 attendees shared their experiences about emerging technologies and use case scenarios.

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13 out of 370 Voices

September 14, 2017 by Dena Tahvildari / Thomas Thurner

This SEMANTiCS gathered 370 experts, practitioners and customers of Semantic Technologies. Dena Tahvildari got some of them in front of her camera. The Amsterdam conference as a kaleidoscope of voices

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Vote for the best Industry Contribution

September 10, 2017 by Victor de Boer

Please vote for your favorite contribution in the Industry track of SEMANTiCS 2017. The nomimees were determined by the Industry track chairs, based on average scores of the reviews of the initial submission.

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A brief talk with keynote speakers Aaron Bradley and Eamonn Glass

September 06, 2017

Keynote speakers Aaron Bradley and Eamonn Glass of EA Games see the development of enterprise knowledge graphs, where companies are starting to reap the benefits of linked data technologies by creating standards-based knowledge models of their domains and the more mainstream adoption of semantic web capabilities as important trends in Linked data.

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Andreas Blumauer of gold sponsor Semantic Web Company: "Semantic technologies help organisations to substantially reduce its dependency on specialised IT professionals"

September 01, 2017

Andreas Blumauer, co-founder and CEO Semantic Web Company talks about key trend ‘cognitive computing’, Poolparty as a cornerstone for cognitive computing solutions and Analytics and Recommender Systems based on Knowledge Graphs.

Key trend: Converging Artificial Intelligence methods and technologies

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Ontotext is a proud sponsor of the conference with CEO Atanas Kiryakov impatient to meet you in Amsterdam

August 28, 2017

Atanas Kiryakov, CEO of Ontotext, sees Semantics as the best European event to meet other vendors of semantic technology and outstanding early adopters across all sectors.

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Kadaster can be characterised as an information organisation a lot of datasets and information are available at platforms and are connectable

August 25, 2017

Frank Tierolff is board member of SEMANTICS 2017 Premium Sponsor Kadaster. He characterises Kadaster as an information organisation a lot of datasets and information are available at platforms and are connectable. That is a challenge as well: datasets that are combined provide added value but require careful consideration when privacy is nowadays of relevant interest; that requires sensitivity and transparency.

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Will semantics help disentangle the Gordian knot of Big Data in animal health

August 18, 2017

The semantic web could offer a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across canonical form, application, enterprise, and community boundaries. Read what keynote speaker Miel Hostens, Post-Doc assistant at Ghent University, Belgium, has to say about it.

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Mario Campolargo of ISA2 sees Semantics 2017 as an opportunity to go on expanding the map of semantic interoperability

August 18, 2017

Mario Campolargo is Deputy Director-General for Directorate-General of Informatics (DG DIGIT) at the European Commission. He sees the presence of the ISA2 Programme at Semantics 2017 is a brilliant opportunity to go on expanding the map of semantic interoperability and identify the latest trends that will help us to improve the impact of our actions in Europe. Read the article here!

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DBpedia, an open project with an inclusive model.

August 18, 2017

Sebastian Hellmann is the Executive Director of the DBpedia Association and the Director of the Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies (KILT) Competence Center at the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI). We had the chance to do a brief interview and ask him about DBpedia and the upcoming DBpedia Day.

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