DALICC AS A Service - A restful architecture for license clearance


Modern IT applications increasingly retrieve, store and process data from a variety of sources. This can raise questions about the compatibility of licenses and the application`s compliance with existing law. Issues of rights clearance are especially relevant in the creation of derivative works compiled from multiple software and data sources. Manual clearance of licenses can be complex and error prone, thus requiring a high degree of costly expert knowledge. To lower these costs and improve the quality of license clearance, we developen the DALICC framework, an open source and open data framework built on semantic web and linked data standards that supports the convenient and cost-effective clearance of licenses in the creation of derivative software and data works. DALICC is capable to process and reason over RDF representation of licenses and thus capable to identify conflicts between licenses. In essence, DALICC helps to determine which information can be shared with whom to what extent under which conditions, thus lowering the costs of rights clearance and stimulating the data economy.


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