A Semantic Catalogue for the Data Market Austria

Poster & Demo

The Data Market Austria (DMA) is an ecosystem of federated data and service infrastructures. It aims at making data from various data providers accessible and interoperable by allowing the submission, storage, management and dissemination of static datasets or streaming data services. By creating a metadata vocabulary, standardizing the ingest of data and ensuring the quality and completeness of metadata, it lays the ground to enable participants to share or consume datasets residing in different infrastructures. This demo focuses on the mapping services used in the DMA to standardize data from different sources using a modified version of the DCAT metadata schema. We present tools that enable inter organizational integration of datasets, in a manner that is both user-friendly and powerful enough to handle vast amounts of data.


PDF icon S1.12 - Mireles - Semantic Catalogue-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf
