Marco Comerio ( obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) in 2010. Currently, he is a researcher and project manager at Cefriel ( He is involved in the development and realization of studies and applied research projects in the field of digital innovation. Most of his current research activities focus on the design and development of semantic interoperability solutions and governance frameworks for the railways and public transportation sectors. He is currently applying his research skills in the projects SNAP (Seamless exchange of multi-modal transport data for transition to National Access Points, EIT Digital 19281), SPRINT (Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport, H2020-S2R 826172), and Shift2MaaS (Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience, H2020-S2R 826252). He has published more than 60 referred papers in books, conference proceedings, and journals.