Workshop: Semantics for Transport 2022 | Sem4Tra22

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 09:00

Important Dates:

  • WS submission deadline: 15 June 2021 (23:59, Hawaii time)
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2021 (23:59, Hawaii time) 

Organized by: 

  • David Chaves Fraga, Postdoctoral Researcher, OEG - UPM
  • Marco Comerio, Senior Researcher, CEFRIEL
  • Mario Scrocca, Assistant Researcher, CEFRIEL
  • Mersedeh Sadeghi, Senior Researcher, University of Cologne
  • Pieter Colpaert, Appointed Professor at Ghent University, IDLab IMEC

Smart Cities could not be realized without envisioning a change towards the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) paradigm for integrated and intelligent transportation. MaaS improves every aspect of transportation from ticketing to navigation, from traffic to parking management and from car/bike sharing to door-to-door travel. However, to make MaaS a reality, challenges in data integration must be addressed. The development of multimodal travel information, planning and booking services, and the interoperability between business applications are currently limited due to the fragmentation and incompatibility of interchange formats and protocols both within and across transport sectors. This workshop seeks to advance MaaS through Semantic Web, Linked Data and Knowledge Graph techniques. In-scope are methods to query and reason over integrated data on the web that can help an end-user to plan and book a trip from A to B. We target researchers and practitioners who are contributing to the transformation of the transportation sector by proposing new solutions based on semantic techniques and technologies, to realize MaaS objectives. The workshop is an opportunity for disseminating and discussing use cases and studies showing the application of semantic and web technologies in the transport domain to tackle the aforementioned challenges.

More details


Topics relevant to this workshop include – but are not limited to – the following

a) Decentralized data management:

  1. Query languages and methods for a Web of Transport Data
  2. Creating automated alignments between datasets using the various specifications
  3. Recommendations for mobility specification builders to raise interoperability between specifications
  4. Alignments with existing or upcoming general-purpose Web API specifications such as W3C Web payments or Solid
  5. Interfaces between enterprise data and the Semantic Web

b) The exploitation of Transport Data on the Web

  1. Challenges and opportunities for route planning and ticketing
  2. Personalized route planning takes into account data stored on your client or personal data space
  3. Anonymization in the mobility space for data sharing

c) Benchmarking of Web Infrastructure

  1. Comparing ticketing API architectures
  2. Comparing route planning API architectures
  3. Publishing and querying planned transport data and their live updates on the Web

d) Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies in the transportation domain

  1. Aligning regional vocabularies with international reference domain models such as Transmodel, NeTEx, SIRI or DATEXII
  2. Reusing existing linked datasets, such as Geonames, OpenStreetMap or Wikidata, for MaaS use cases
  3. Bridging the gap with non-RDF specifications such as MobilityDataSpecification, General Transit Feed Specification, General Bike Feed Specification, TOMP API or MaaS API
  4. Building a Knowledge Graph of the transportation domain by integration and conversion of heterogeneous data sources (e.g., National Access Points or local sources)

e) Semantic technology applications and datasets on various aspects of smart mobility, such as logistics, infrastructure, navigation or booking/ticketing.

f) Semantic technologies for making the route suggestion and driving planning recommendations more explainable and transparent22

Registration to this workshop

You need an admission to the SEMANTICS 2022 conference to attend this workshop.
You may choose a full conference pass or a single day workshop ticket at our ticket store.
Please enter your ticket ID and email to register for this workshop.

Please enter the ID in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX; e.g. 5364-3318-8955